How can we manage stress better during this pandemic? What can we do to support our own and others’ mental health and wellbeing? With the alarming spread of COVID-19 and the sudden stringent health and safety measures being implemented across the country to contain the spread of the virus, people have been reported to be suffering from anxiety, stress, and even depression.
In Episode 6 of the Stories for a Better Normal series aired on June 25, listen to mental health experts Dr. Rene Samaniego, former President of the Philippine Psychiatric Association; Dr. Jasmine Vergara, National Professional Officer on Mental Health and Substance Abuse of the World Health Organization – Philippines (WHO); and Prednison Morales, Psychosocial Support Focal Person and Registered Social Worker from the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), discuss common mental health challenges linked to the pandemic and the practical ways we can cope during stressful and challenging times.
Watch the full episode through our YouTube channel: